Despite extreme conditions, the Polar Seas are some of the most unique and critical habitats on our planet! The Arctic and Southern Ocean regions are home to over 235 different marine species, including migratory birds, penguins, and even polar bears who depend on these delicate ecosystems to survive.

Since 2001, The Ocean Foundation has educated and empowered global citizens to become ocean advocates. Since their inception, they have spent over $8.1 million in conserving marine habitats, and are dedicated to reversing the trend of destruction of ocean environments around the world.

This action is crucial, as over the last few decades fossil fuel extraction has put these polar habitats at the front line for some of the most severe climate-related impact. Warming global temperatures and CO2 emissions have been melting Arctic sea ice at an alarming rate, and as it shrinks and thins, entire polar ecosystems are threatened of being wiped out of existence. Scientists predict that by 2030, the Arctic Ocean will be completely void of sea ice in the summer -- which will cause significant environmental damage on a global scale.

Did you know…

  • There are over 155,000 biodiverse species in 1m² of the seafloor
  • The Polar Seas absorb over 50% more CO2 than the rest of the ocean
  • There are over 18 recognized penguin species that live in the Arctic
  • 22 Million tons of CO2 is absorbed by the ocean every day

que Bottle will donate 10% of profits to The Ocean Foundation to support their Polar Seas Initiative to support and protect these fragile ecosystems.